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Lake Local Schools
Lake Local Schools were formed in 1957. When Uniontown and Hartville consolidated into one school system. Lake High School was formed when school its new year in the fall of 1057. Before that Uniontown. Hartville and Greentown all had their own schools in each town. It was decided by the Board of Education to have Greentown attend the North Canton School system and the Uniontown and Hartville Schools became one district called Lake. This was all grades not just the High School I hope this helps answer your question and Thank You for asking the Lake Township Historical Society. We are always here to help serve our community.
(Ruth Sturgill, Trustee)
Real Estate and Property Searches
Lake Township residents frequently request information about their house and property. Unfortunately, this historical society doesn't archive those records. However, three books about the history of Lake Township and Uniontown are available. Two of the books are listed on the For Sale page of this website. The third book written by a longtime resident "Uniontown, My Hometown 1932 - 2013 As I Remember It, Greatest Place on Earth" is in limited supply and is priced at $20. All three books can be requested using the Contact Us tab. They may be picked up locally or mailed.
(Dennis Benson, Webmaster)
Additional Sources for Property Information
Stark County Property Records, Stark County Records Center, 201 Third St NE
Suite 5, Canton OH 44702 Phone: 330-451-7372
Online record search: -
The Stark County Library -
Follow this link to a short 3 minute video of the Museum Fashion display in 2019. Check the Calendar for museum open days.

Betty (Hoover) Bradshaw graduated from Hartville High. She taught second grade at Uniontown School in 1950, 1951, 1952 and 1953. She donated a Hartville High School 1948 sweater, photos of the Hartville High Class of 1940 50th reunion, photos of her class students and some other items.
Betty and husband are moving to Myrtle Beach and downsizing. Another connection is that she was my kindergarten teacher in North Canton in 1956.
Steve - Sept 7, 2020

Steven Espenschied, curator, has been involved with the Historical Society since the 1994 founding. He is a trained organist and was instrumental in procuring the calliope, its restoration and playing at local events. The picture was taken on May 25th, 2012 at the North Canton, Ohio Memorial Day Parade.